Beloved, I welcome you to the beginning of the last quarter of the year. May you increase in the grace and wisdom of God. I will be sharing with you on what I titled Let Go Of Worry. But first, we have to know what worry is. Worry can be defined as a state of mental and emotional agitation and distress resulting from undue concern over something impending or anticipated. Worry involves and uneasiness of mind or a brooding anxiety about a real or imagined situation or possibility. It is an unresolved feeling of fretful apprehension and mental unrest which is a close companion of fear, anxiety, insecurity and tension. Worry is not physical, although its effects can be felt in the physical body. In many cases, worry comes from evil spirits in the spirit realm in the form of thoughts against the mind. The goal of the evil spirit is to get one to allow the cares that they propagate to enter into the spirit man. This happens by entertaining their thoug...