Hello beloved brethren, I welcome you in the name of the Lord to the month of August. May the glory of God be revealed in you in this awesome month in Jesus name. I will be admonishing you on what I titled “PRIDE” In Matthew 5:3, the Bible says, “Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” To be poor in spirit means to rate yourself insignificant, it means to humble yourself enough to do what the word of God says, irrespective of your own view. This scripture clearly shows that humility is of the heart, so also pride is of the heart. Humility and pride are opposite in nature, hence one has a positive impact while the other negative, one of the light the other of darkness. As children of God, the Bible made us understand that we are the children of light and not of darkness (1st Thessalonians 5:5), therefore nothing of darkness should be tolerated in us. Pride never takes a man up, neither does it allow him to remain in the place of power and authority, henc...