Anger on its own is not a sin, scripture tells us this in Ephesians 4:26, “Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down on your wrath.” It is okay to blow your fuse every once in a while but according to the scripture above; don’t leave it for too long, it becomes a sin. There are two types of anger: 1. The short fuse (Short temper) 2. The long fuse (slow to anger) Scripture describes God as slow to anger (Psalm 103:8). Before we go any further, it is very important to note that you can correct, chasten a person without getting angry, you can disagree with a person without necessarily getting angry. With that been said, let us x-ray this two types of anger and examine ourselves to see which category we fall into so that we can adjust if need be or hold on strong to that which is good. 1. The short fuse (temper): The idea behind a short fuse is the inability to withstand pressure for long. For example, let us picture a dynamite with a short threa...