Hello my beloved saints, I wish you a great and prosperous month of August. I believe the Word of God is producing fruits in you as it does in the life of all who put their focus on it. Beloved, It is possible for your faith to be corrupted. It is possible for the devil to steal your faith. You must Fight to keep it; you can lose your faith if you don’t fight for it earnestly. Hold on strong to your faith with everything that is in you. The Christian life is by faith, if you lose your faith you lose everything. Make sure you are in the faith every day of your life believing in Jesus There are many false prophets, false ministers who tells us either verbally or insinuatively that it doesn’t matter how we live our lives, as long as we have received Jesus. It is a lie of Satan, if you live your life carelessly or the way you feel like, you will end up living a wasted life. We don’t live carelessly as Christians. Contend for the faith, ensure that you wa...