There is a gospel making waves now in Christianity that has left a lot of people confused and wondering if the gospel is really the true gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ and this gospel is the OSAS gospel which stands for “ONCE SAVED ALWAYS SAVED.” Some Characteristics of the OSAS gospel includes: 1. Once a person accepts Jesus as His Lord and Saviour He/she is saved. 2. Once a person is a saved He/she can never be unsaved. That is, a person cannot lose his salvation once he/she gets it. 3. A believer can live as he wants, he’s already righteous and nothing can change it. 4. God will not judge a believer by his works but by the works of Jesus Christ which He wrought on the cross when He died on the cross. Now, we are going to take a look at these characteristics and see how true they are because it will help us understand the gospel and our role as members of the body of Christ. 1. Once a person accepts Jesus as his Lord and Saviour, He/she is ...