Dear Teens, I’d like to welcome you into the month of July 2023 and I pray that the favor of the Lord will not elude you this month in Jesus name. Now, as continuation of our series from last month, I would like us to look at the dispensations of man in terms of his relationship with God; Adam was commanded by God to till the garden which was a form of service to God, then he also had a place of fellowship with God. which was also another act of service unto God. Then the dispensation of the Patriarchs, they served God from two different offices, they served God as Priests or prophets; meaning they had fellowship with God, they had altars where they offered sacrifices unto God, then they also had their royal (or circular)offices, which was their service to God through their service to men or their work. They always were ahead of their contemporaries, they were the head, they prospered in the works of their hands, they stood out from the rest. Look at Abraham for instance, the Philistin...