WORK THE WORD part one

Hello my dearly beloved saints, I bring you greetings in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. I thank God that you are living in the grace and victory of our Lord. The reason many Christians are not living the victorious life is because they are carnal; they love worldly things, entertainment, jokes, fun and fun fair. We once loved those things when we were unbelievers but when you become a Christian you must let those things roll away if you want to make head way in your life. I have discovered that the greatest battle and fight in the life of a Christian is between the spirit and the flesh. Trying to let go of the worldliness of the flesh while you are still embracing the lust that is in the flesh making it impossible to let go. A lot of us believers have not made up our minds to let go of the worldly pleasures and sincerely dedicate our hearts and spirit to the things of the Spirit of God that will build our inner man and reveal the Christ that we...