Hello beloved teen. I greet you in the matchless name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. I will be admonishing you on what is turning into a norm in the life of so many believers 'OPPRESSION'. If I were to ask you to list 5 things you hated the most in life I know oppression would be somewhere on your list. Most people hate been oppressed and would do anything to stop it from happening to them but will it shock you if I told you most Christians are oppressed. I know you are wondering how? I will tell but before I do, let us define oppression. It is the state of being kept down by unjust use of force or authority. As believers every time we experience poverty, sickness, diseases and failure for an extended period of time and we do everything we could to change the situation and nothing seems to change and we take it like it is part of life, we are allowing ourselves to be oppressed? Jesus Christ has made us free, we need not be oppressed, He has paid the price for our redempt...