Hello dearly beloved, I bring you greeting in the matchless name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. I want to admonish you on what I titled "THE LORD WILL RESTORE YOUR WASTED YEARS." If you ever picked up this article to read it, then it is you God is talking to. This is not just a regular sermon but a message from God to you. The Lord will have me tell you this, "I will restore all your wasted years. I will bring back to you all that the enemy stole from you." Sometimes we find ourselves in trials and tribulations that seem to waste and eat up most part of our time and energy. We put in time and energy to have things work for our good yet it goes the other way. It just looks like things aren't happening the way we desire them to, yet we are not getting any younger. Time seems not to be on our side if you are not careful you want to compromise, you want to make things happen for you by your own strength and wisdom. The question you should ...