One of the most popular chapters in the Bible (if not the most popular) is Psalm 23, as kids we were taught to recite it and declare it over and over again but as I grew older and pondered on this chapter, I discovered that the main theme of this Psalm is often misunderstood, so I would like us to critically analyze it and see the deep wisdom and power behind this Psalm. Psalm 23:1, “The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.” The kind of Shepherd a sheep has would always determine the amount of supply that sheep is exposed to. Just like the child of a rich father or the child of a poor father would always be directly affected by the wealth/poverty of their parents even so a sheep and his Shepherd. When we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior we declare that the Lord is our Shepherd, we are declaring that the creator of the universe is our Shepherd, the one who made the world and everything that is in it. Jesus declared in John 10:11; "I am the good shepherd: the good s...