One day Jesus went to the sea side and He saw certain fishermen, men that were not qualified, common men trying to look for a means of sustenance but He said unto them in the book of Matthew 4:19 thus, “... Follow me, and I wll make you fishers of men. ” There may be things that you are involved in but when you become a repairer of the bridge and start repairing the lives of people, your life becomes mighty and great because Jesus has come into your life. One of such men is Peter, he was uneducated. A man of anger who can’t keep his mouth shut but when Jesus Christ got a hold of him, his life changed. He preached the gospel and in one day three thousand people received Jesus Christ. This was a man who was afraid when Jesus mounted him and he became a great man. The Bible says in the book of Acts 10:25 that Cornelius a centurion, a very high ranking man in the Roman army saw Peter; (a man who was uneducated, a man without any influence) and bowed down and worshipped him, why? Because Je...