This year, 2024, we are mounting up with wings as eagles. We are attaining greater heights and succeeding in greater measures in Jesus name. God sees the end from the beginning and proclaim His will and purpose according to the spirit of prophecy. But we must take the prophecy and war a good warfare with it, 1st Timothy 1:18. God's word doesn't just come to pass because God said it, someone has to make it happen and that person is you. We must take God's word for us in the year 2024 and resist all the impossibilities Satan may throw your way. Jesus said in Matthew 11:12 that, “The kingdom of heaven suffered violence, and only the violent taketh it by force.” Nothing changes on earth except force is applied. We have an evil kingdom of darkness resisting every one of our progress, therefore to see change in 2024 in the direction of God's will for our lives, we must stand and fight the good fight of faith (1st Timothy 6:12). According to Isaiah 60:1, if we must shine, w...