DON'T GIVE UP (part two)

Do you know that if you don’t give up, you will eventually win. Do you know that if you are following God and you refuse to give up, you will eventually succeed. This is the reason why you receive all the opposition to force you to give up because the devil knows that if you don’t relent, you will eventually make it. It is not the reputation of God to fail, Satan knows that so he discourages you and does everything by all means to have you discouraged so that you will not wait; so that you will give up and not have your desires met. James 1:5 says, “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not, and it shall be given him.” You have to seek God, He does not find fault in any one who seeks him, God is not angry with anyone. Don’t qualify God as having the inability to help you by your actions because God is not angry with you. The moment you make up your mind to arise and seek God like the prodigal son, He will respond to you. You’ve go...