Greetings beloved,. I hope you are increasing in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ? I will like to admonish you on what I titled “ THE PLEASURE OF SIN” Proverbs 20:17 says “Bread of deceit is sweet to a man; but after that his mouth shall be filled with gravel.” Have you tried to eat rice and beans before, only for your teeth to unexpectedly grind a stone? The stone stopped you from continuing to chew and swallow the food in your mouth. You had to spew it out of your mouth. What you experienced is far from a mouth full of gravel which our anchor scripture compares what stolen bread will turn to. Stolen bread may taste sweet but it is a lie. If there were not some sort of pleasure or immediate gratification in sin, nobody would do it. The reality of sin is that it starts off giving you what you want, while decomposing your health and happiness in the end. There is no long term joy or sustainable pleasure in sin. Sin demands that you keep coming back for more. Moses was...