FOOD FOR TEENS: Know Thyself part one

Hello teens, welcome to another month of God’s favour and prosperity. Hope you are growing in the knowledge of God? A large number of believers do not know who they are, if someone asks a believer a question such as tell me about yourself, or someone asks a believer ‘who are you?’ By their response you will be able to see and understand that a lot of believers do not really know who they are. You will hear responses such as “ I am so an so by name, I live in so and so place, I am from so and so place, I am so and so in complexion , I am tall or short, I am so and so by profession and so on and so forth. They will tell you their likes and dislikes, hobbies and what they do for fun, what drives them and all that. These things on their own are not wrong but to base your identity on everything your five senses can assimilate means that you do not really know who you are as a believer and you are thereby selling yourself short. The first thing you have to know about ...