This year 2022 is our year of possibilities. I cannot forget my experience with the Lord when He spoke those words to me. He said, "possibilities! Possibilities!! 2022, The Year Of Possibilities. Naturally, there are many things that are impossible because of our human frailty, but the Bible says, "...The things which are impossible with men are possible with God" , Luke 18:27. God has no limitation, He has no weakness. The things that God cannot do does not exist. This is the reason the Spirit of God is speaking to us this year 2022,to turn to the God factor and turn our impossibilities into possibilities. He said in Jeremiah 32:27 thus, "Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh: is there anything too hard for me?" This same question was asked by the Lord in Genesis 18:14, when He promised to give Abraham a child at his old age through Sarah. Sarah doubted and laughed because to her it was impossible. But God reminded her that nothing is impossible with H...