Greetings to you my beloved saints. I wish you God’s blessings and favour in the name of Jesus Christ. May God prosper you more and more as we progress in this year of UNUSUAL GLORY. For us to enjoy the miraculous power of God in our lives, there is always something we must do. The Jailer in Acts 16:30 asked the Apostle Paul thus, “What must I do to be saved? There is always something to do to have a miracle in our lives. In Mark 10:17, the young rich man asked Jesus Christ thus, “Good master, what must I do to inherit eternal life.” Miracles don’t just happen; something must be done to make it happen. The Lord has told us by the Spirit that 2018 is our year of UNUSUAL GLORY. But this word will not come to pass except we do as he wants. To some people they say God has spoken and whatever God says must come to pass. That is the word of an ignoramus. The Word of God does not just come to pass on earth, men will either make it come to pass or not. In Psalm 119:89 scripture ...