DON'T GIVE UP (part one)

Hello beloved brethren, I welcome you in the name of the Lord to the month of February. May the glory of God be revealed in you in this awesome month in Jesus name. I’d like to admonish you on the message I titled, ‘Don’t Give Up.” When we are expecting something from God, sometimes we make mistakes. We often think that what we are expecting will happen when it will happen. We seem to have this mindset that ‘one day my situation is going to change.’ If you have that kind of mindset that ‘God will change it’, you have to change it; it is not true. Whatever you want done in your life by God, you have to make Him do it. In the book of 1st Corinthians 12:10, the Bible talks about one of the gifts of the Spirit, ‘The working of miracles'. If you need a miracle, you have to work it out. Work is another word for labour, you have to labour to have miracle. Just as women labour to give birth, you have to labour to give birth to your miracles. The difference in your labour is light when God ...