Dearly beloved, I welcome you into the month of June in the name of the Lord Jesus. I thank my God for you for His mercy and covering over you. This month I will be admonishing you on a very important subject titled, “What Shall It Profit You?” The bible says in Mark 8:36, “For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul?” This is a proposed question and should be of deep concern and thought to us. So many are concerned in this present world on how to gain the world but not remembering or giving attention to their souls. It is important to note that the whole world cannot be compared to the value of your soul. Your soul is so important that the value of the entire world could not redeem it but the life of the Son of God. Think about it. Beloved, one needs to be willing to give up everything in order to be a follower of Jesus Christ; worldly suffering shouldn’t be a deterrent. This is the context of Jesus’ question, “what good is it for ...