Hello my beloved brethren, I welcome you in the name of the Lord to the month of April. I hope you are increasing in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ? I will like to admonish you on what I titled “DIE TO SELF.” The concept of dying to self is found throughout the Bible. It expresses the essence of Christian life. Dying to self is something that Christians find very hard to do, especially in the world where there is pressure in all sides to replace the love of God for something lesser. Essentially, the Christian life is an ongoing process of dying to self and living for Christ, seeking His will and kingdom and righteousness, rather than our own. To die to self means in every moment of life to say “NO” to self and to say “YES” to God. To die to self means to “dethrone” self and “enthrone” God. As a believer you must submit yourself and your will to the will of God, because the spiritual growth and maturity of the child of God is solely dependent on how much ex...