Beloved, you have to learn the things of God, it doesn’t and it won’t jump on you; that is why God added the teaching ministry to the church so that you can learn how to do what you need to do to make your life better. Just like you go to school to learn how to be a doctor, or a nurse or learn how to be a professional in any field you desire; so also you learn the things of God. For those who learnt how to be professionals in mechanics, I believe the first time you handled the spanner, it felt strange and you were not flowing with it because you were not a professional yet. But now I believe there is a great difference in your handling of the various tools and equipment from when you started. This is as a result of putting it to work over and over again. Whatsoever you practice over and over again you become a professional at. This is why we always admonish you to learn the things of God so that you become a professional in it. In the book of 1st Timothy 4:7 the Bible says, “But refus...