Hello my beloved brethren, I welcome you in the name of the Lord to the month of March. I will be admonishing you on “The Cost of Disobedience.” What is disobedience? According to the Merriam – Webster dictionary, disobedience means refusal or neglect to obey. Disobedience or rebellion against God is a sinful act that the Bible has plenty to say about it. The world is in the huge mess it is today because of Adam and eve’s disobedience. The word of God defines sin as transgression of the law of God according to 1st John 3:4. Sin is based entirely on plain disobedience. Disobedience is refusing to do what God has commanded or doing what God forbids. With this I mind, Satan is the author of disobedience. Disobedience to God and to His word has become a norm in our society today. A lot don’t care to know if their lives or actions are in line with the word of God, what matters is I and I alone. The myself seeking pleasure has so much eaten people even Christia...