Hello beloved saints, I welcome you once again to the month of November. May God’s glory be revealed in your life in Jesus name. I will be sharing with you on what I titled “The Ministry of Angels.” When you go through the book of Acts you will discover the ministry of angels was so prominent, it was not a strange occurrence to the Apostles; it was part of the Christianity that they practiced in the book of Acts. So why does it seem like we are not having that ministry in operation in this dispensation or in this time. The reason is because we don’t talk about it enough. We don’t preach about it. What you don’t preach about the people will not know, and what they don’t know about they cannot have faith to receive it and make it work for them. If you want something to start working; you preach on it over and over again until the faith of the people is directed towards it. And when the faith of the people is directed towards it, they start having it happen in their lives. The reason we ...