I have discovered that a lot of us often assume that man's definition of rest is the same with God's, therefore we get confused with God's concept of Rest. According to the dictionary definition, Rest is a state of inaction. Contrary beliefs God's rest is not a state of inaction, many people believe when we get to heaven, we would live in this state of perpetual inaction for the rest of lives, just worshiping and praising God but when you understand how Gods rest, you will find that it is a place of great productivity but zero labour from you. Genesis one, God created the heavens and the earth and all that was in it, then on the seventh day He rested from His works, and if you moved to Genesis two, you will see God rolling up His sleeve and forming man from the earth but scripture already recorded that He(God) had already entered into rest, you will then understand that God's rest is of the spirit and not physical. Just like a man buys a car and starts learning how ...