Food For Teens: JESUS WE ARE

Have you ever examined yourself as believer or just find out from the scriptures the kind of life you are supposed to live here on earth? If you haven’t I will have to tell you that I have and I discovered from the scriptures that every believer is supposed to live a supernatural life. During the course of this article, I will be showing you how, what and why this life was given to us. What life does a believer have? Every man who is born of God, has the life of God in him. Just like a lion does not give birth to a goat, even so the life of God can be found in every man who is truly born again. Like I would tell anyone who would care to listen, the first Christian who ever walked on the surface of the earth is Jesus Christ. The same life He had when He came into this world is the exact same life that we receive when we get born again. So, since that is the life of Jesus on earth that should be our perfect example as believers on how to succeed. So much was documented about the life ...