Dearly beloved, I welcome you to this awesome year 2022. All things are working together for your good this year in the name of Jesus. May all round possibilities be your portion even as the Lord has declared this year to be in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. I will like to share with you on this very important subject, “What will you give me? This is a very strong and important question, and the motive and answer to this very important statement has either put men over in life or down them. We are in a world today, were this question is the order of the day. Nothing moves until the above question is answered. Just as Esau in the book of Genesis 25:29-34, sold out his birth-right because of pottage, so also many today have sold out their privileges, peace, joy, their right hand (strength) etc. Because of what they can gain, the temporal gratification which does not have any long term or eternal value to their lives. Beloved, I want you to understand that the Bible is complete boo...