Dear Teens, I’d like to welcome you into the month of July 2023 and I pray that the favor of the Lord will not elude you this month in Jesus name.

Now, as continuation of our series from last month, I would like us to look at the dispensations of man in terms of his relationship with God; Adam was commanded by God to till the garden which was a form of service to God, then he also had a place of fellowship with God. which was also another act of service unto God.

Then the dispensation of the Patriarchs, they served God from two different offices, they served God as Priests or prophets; meaning they had fellowship with God, they had altars where they offered sacrifices unto God, then they also had their royal (or circular)offices, which was their service to God through their service to men or their work. They always were ahead of their contemporaries, they were the head, they prospered in the works of their hands, they stood out from the rest. Look at Abraham for instance, the Philistines feared him because of the level of success he had in his life, what about Isaac, the philistines envied him, why because God blessed him in ways they could not imagine, then Jacob, Laban had to confess to Jacob that he observed that since he came, God blessed him, same thing Potiphar said to Joseph. So they all served God through their priestly duties and the work of their hands.

Next the dispensation of the law; when the Lord dealt with the children of Israel, because of the law, the Priesthood and Royalty was separated, so the service to God through sacrifice was primarily the functions of the Priests and prophets. Overall, the Priests specifically the descendants of Aaron, were appointed by God to serve as intermediaries between Him and the people, offering sacrifices and performing other rituals on behalf of the Israelites as part of the Law of Moses. The children of Israel could not know what the mind of God was without their Prophets neither could they offer sacrifices without their Priests. But they could serve the Lord through their service to people (work), but when it came to serving God through fellowship they couldn’t. David was the only king under the Law who understood that there was more to his royalty than just being a king, that is why he went into the temple and partook of the bread meant for the priests. He (David) also functioned in the prophetic.

Under the dispensation of the law, none of them could serve the Lord in both capacity

The dispensation of the Church: Matthew 27:50-51, “Jesus, when he had cried again with a loud voice, yielded up the ghost. And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent.” When Jesus died on the cross, the curtain that separated the Holy of Holies, the innermost chamber of the Jewish temple in Jerusalem, from the rest of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. This tearing of the veil symbolizes the reconciliation between God and humanity, now anyone who accepts Jesus as their Lord and saviour can now have direct access to God’s presence. This is why 1st Peter 2:9, “But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew  forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light:” and Apostle John told us in clear teams in Revelation 1:6 says, “And hath made us kings and priests unto God and his Father; to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.

In this dispensation of the church we can now function from two different offices in our service to God, which is our Royal office as kings and our Priestly office as priests.

In the last series, we looked at some of the attributes of a king in the kingdom of God. Please note that when you have the mentality of a king, you begin to treat everyone around also with respect and dignity, because if you are a royalty, your siblings automatically becomes royalty also, your friends become friends of royalty, also. Practically everyone you come across, you will treat with some level of respect because of new mentality as king. Also note that, under this current dispensation, you are expected to win as a believer, to rule your space and declare what you want to see established in the kingdom of God on earth that you are meant to occupy.

Next series we will be looking at our priestly office and how we are expected to serve God with it. Until then, God bless you and have a wonderful month ahead.


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