This year, 2024, we are mounting up with wings as eagles. We are attaining greater heights and succeeding in greater measures in Jesus name.

God sees the end from the beginning and proclaim His will and purpose according to the spirit of prophecy. But we must take the prophecy and war a good warfare with it, 1st Timothy 1:18. God's word doesn't just come to pass because God said it, someone has to make it happen and that person is you. We must take God's word for us in the year 2024 and resist all the impossibilities Satan may throw your way. Jesus said in Matthew 11:12 that, “The kingdom of heaven suffered violence, and only the violent taketh it by force.” Nothing changes on earth except force is applied. We have an evil kingdom of darkness resisting every one of our progress, therefore to see change in 2024 in the direction of God's will for our lives, we must stand and fight the good fight of faith (1st Timothy 6:12).

According to Isaiah 60:1, if we must shine, we must arise. Those who sit down doing nothing will not shine; neither will they attain greater height. The reason we must arise is because our light is come. Our glory is here already but we must arise if God's glory will make a difference in our lives. Jesus said to the man with a withered hand in Matthew 12:13 to stretch forth his hand, and when he did his hand was restored and made whole. That man could have complained of his inability to stretch forth his hand, after all his hand was withered, but that was not the case. He knew of the wonder working power that is in the word of our Lord Jesus Christ and decided to do as He says and a miracle was born. Presently, our situation may look like a withered hand, but at the word of the Lord we are going to stretch it out, we are going to dare God this year and do as He says. Hebrews 4:2 says that, “the word of God did not profit the church in the wilderness because they did not mix it with faith after they heard it.” How do we mix the word of God with faith, you may ask. According to Numbers 13, those who went to spy the promise land came back with an evil report. They spoke based on the report of their senses and got what they said. Instead of them to believe God and speak victory, like Joshua and Caleb, they spoke defeat and were defeated in the wilderness. God said to them, "As you have spoken in my ear, I will do unto you." Numbers14:28. Beloved, this year 2024, our word must be words of faith and victory. No unbelieving words must proceed out of our mouths. We must empower the Lord with our words to create the 2024 we desire.

Also, there are things we shall be required by God's word to do this year that will launch us into our greater height, never say, "I can't." You must have an I can do mentality because you can do all things through Christ which strengthens you, Philippians 4:13. Those who do the word are partakers of His grace. If you must increase in the grace of God, you must do what God says. The secret of manifestation is in obedience. Isaiah 1:19, "If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land." Do stay obedient to God's word this year and God's glory shall be revealed in you. Furthermore, you must give room to regular study and prayer this year. Acts 6:4, "But we will give ourselves continually to prayer and to the ministry of the word." That was the secret of the success of the early apostles and it remain our secret as well. We must give ourselves to prayer and God's word. Prayer gives spiritual strength and God's word gives wisdom and we cannot afford to lose any of these.

Finally beloved, attend regular church service, because, “They go from strength to strength, every one of them appeared before God", Psalms 84:7. To maintain spiritual strength, you must be a church addict. Jesus said that where two or three are gathered together in my name, there I am in their midst, Matthew 18:20. Any time we gather Jesus and the angels are there to provide whatever may be lacking in our walk with Him, Hebrews 12:22-24. That is where you hear the word of truth that makes you holy and white as snow—hallelujah.

May the Lord richly bless you this year and make you ten times better than you were last year in Jesus name.


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