Dear teens, grace and peace be multiplied in your life this new month in Jesus name. This month I want to talk to you about something I titled "gravity." I know you are wondering what gravity has got to do with God's word. Anyway by the end of this article you will understand.
                Gravity is a force that pulls an object or body towards the centre of the earth so that things fall to the ground when they are dropped. Gravity is a law that everything on earth must obey. Just like we can prove gravity physically, there is also a force that works on everybody/objects on this earth spiritually, that is exactly like gravity.
                The Bible makes us understand in Proverbs 25:3 that "The heaven for height and the earth for depth..." This goes to prove that everything that is associated (from) this earth is supposed to gravitate to the centre of the earth spiritually which is its depth. No wonder when something bad happens, people are quick to say this life is deep. God told Adam in Gen 3:19, "for dust thou art and unto dust thou shall return." This is spiritual gravity; No matter how high any man gets to, without Christ he's bound to go down because the "earth for its depth." depth is associated with ground. No matter how well his life seems to be going for an unbeliever, please do not envy them because their lives have been programmed to go down and down just like it was with Adam until he died. Just take a minute to observe every seemingly successful man outside Christ then you see they always end up poorly. Whether in academics, business, finance, marriage, entertainment, the end is always the ground for them. But there is something else i would like for you to see in Proverbs 25:3, "The heaven for its height.." Physically there is a level you get to in space, far above the sky (physical heaven) where gravity no longer operates.
                My dear brothers and sisters I am glad to tell you that this heaven is what Jesus our Saviour died and resurrected for us to enjoy. Colossians 1:13: we have been delivered from earthly force that pulls everyman towards death and destruction and have been translated into a new kingdom (which is the kingdom of heaven) even why we are here on earth, we can now defile spiritual gravity (i.e. those forces that tends to bring a man down).
                In the kingdom of heaven where we've been translated, there's a new form of force that pushes a man upwards not bring a man down. No wonder Jesus Christ ascended after He gave us the kingdom just to show us how to live now. We are only supposed to get better and better every day and not the reverse, no wonder Proverbs 4:18 makes us to understand that the path of the righteous is as a shining light that shines more and more unto the perfect day. In your life, be conscious of this fact about the kingdom where you are from, things can only get better, never worse, even though things may seem bad sometimes but it is just another way God elevates His children. Ephesians 1:3, "Blessed be the God and father of our Lord Jesus, who has blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places." Where you are there's so much blessings, stay there!
                In God's kingdom you don't try to be blessed you are already blessed. This is the rest the Bible told us to labour to enter (this good life in Christ Jesus). But this kingdom has a way of life that you must learn so that you can enjoy this kingdom optimally. This is why we study God's word to learn His ways, to live a life befitting of the kingdom where Jesus is Lord.
As you begin to study and fellowship with the Holy Ghost, your eyes will begin to open more into this wonderful place where you belong. The reasons why Christians are not scared to start small is because they understand how this kingdom works, things only gets better and better as we continue in the consciousness and knowledge of this great kingdom. Whether in your finance, academics, marriage, career you must succeed if you belong to this wonderful kingdom of God because while the earth (flesh) can only take you down heaven (spirit) can only take you up.
                Enjoy this wonderful kingdom that God has prepared for you and let your light shine so bright that the world would be amazed by it.
                Until next month stay blessed and keep moving up.


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