"Slothfulness casteth into deep sleeps and an idle soul shall suffer hunger” (Proverbs 19:15).

90% of the problems believers are facing is as a result of laziness (slothfulness). Slothfulness according to the above scripture and according to English dictionary is a state of been idle or inactive, or unwillingness to work or carry out an action

As Christians, sometimes we find ourselves giving into slothfulness especially when it comes to spiritual things, you hear believers saying that the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. This is absolutely true because one of the devil’s most effective tools in his fight against Christians is laziness. He even tried it against Jesus just to stop Him from fulfilling God’s purpose for man, this gave birth to that statement by Jesus “The Spirit truly is ready but the flesh is weak.” – Mark 14:38. 

For us to be able to fully understand how to overcome laziness (slothfulness), let us first observe the major cause of laziness. Laziness can be caused by one main factor. Carefully considering the labour it will take from us to achieve a particular goal is the true cause of laziness. It sounds familiar to you doesn’t it? Jesus Christ after seeing the labour and the victory that was ahead of Him became ready in the spirit but weak in the flesh.

Some of us keep considering the things we have to give up for us to really follow God, which is why some Christians have refused to take that bold step God has given a lot of Christian’s great purpose and calling which some are aware of but they considering the process to the victory sometimes hold them bound. Some unbelievers have refused to accept Jesus because they have thought in their heart that living for Jesus is too difficult 

Laziness is such a patient weapon for the devil to use against believers because most Christians won’t even accept the fact that they are slothful in certain areas of their lives. They would rather you label them with any other tag apart from the lazy tag. As long as they refuse to face the problem they are never able to conquer it. 

Another misconception about laziness, is that it has to do with the physical ability or inability to do work, like is it said “I tire no be laziness. Contrary to popular beliefs laziness is in the mind never in the body. The reason why a lot of people never do what is expected of them by God is because they gave in to the voice that painted a picture of hardship and difficulty in their head to discourage them from God’s will

I read somewhere that weak people have wrecked far more havoc in the world than wicked people have, why? Because in everyman created into this world is a call by God to create, to build something bigger than his/her imagination but as a result of laziness (slothfulness) a good number have missed out on that original purpose they were created for, it is so sad but it is the absolute reality. Jesus even likened laziness to wickedness – Matthew 25:26. For us to succeed in this spiritual walk with God, this is one battle we have to win. “Not slothful in laziness; fervent in spirit serving the Lord.” – Romans 12:11.

Another thing you should know about laziness is that, laziness is deceptive. Most times, it starts out as a suggestion, which many a time leads to procrastination and procrastination is already slothfulness but most times we are deceived to think we are still going to do what we ought to have done. 

To overcome laziness, let us look at Jesus Christ and how he overcame laziness. Matthew 26:38, “Then said he unto them, My soul is exceeding sorrowful, even unto death: tarry ye here and watch with me.” 

Lesson One: We could already see from the above verse that Jesus seeing how His death was going to play out, his Spirit was prepared for it but His flesh through His mind was unwilling to play along but Jesus did something remarkable. He spent time with the Father facing this challenge that though not visible was powerful enough to derail Him from His purpose. If you observe closely, Jesus hadn’t even gone through any physical pain when He felt the urge to give up. 

Lesson Two: The feeling did not leave Jesus immediately or the first time He prayed. He had to pray again and again (Matthew 26:39-45). He didn’t stop taking to God until the situation changed.

Lesson Three: Jesus did not depend on His physical strength but depended on the strength from above. 

As believers there are areas where we are lazy and have refused to face the issue because we feel like we ought to be up and doing but there is a solution to that and it is found in Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me.”

Two things to note:
Always have the “can do mentality”
Always depend on God for the strength.

Finally, in Judges 18:9, “And they said, Arise, that we may go up against them for we have seen the land, and behold, it is very good and are ye still? be not slothful to go, and to enter to possess the land.” Slothfulness can stop you from possessing that which God has already given you; so do as Jesus did and overcome every laziness and watch your life soar from one realm of victory to another in Jesus name.

God bless you, see you in 2018.


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