My beloved teens, I welcome you into the month of November in Jesus name. This month I want to talk to you about your priorities as a believer. What should be our priorities as Christian? What are those things that we should deal with first as young Christians so as to enjoy a fantastic and victorious Christian life? In the book of Matthew 6:33, Jesus Christ told us to seek FIRST the kingdom of God and His righteousness. Now the question is how do you seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness?

The Kingdom Of God:
           Remember that Colossians 1:13 tells us that we have already been translated into the kingdom of God; know that the day you accept Christ you are automatically translated into the kingdom of God.

The Righteousness Of God:
          This is where a lot of teenagers miss it, they do not fully understand the concept of righteousness as believers and how it should be enjoyed as Christians. We know that by reason of the death and resurrection of Jesus, righteousness was inputted to anyone who believe and accept Jesus as Lord of his life. Romans 5:17; “for if by one man’s offence death reigned by one; much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ.” As you can see in the above verse, righteousness is a gift of God but the problem with a lot of young Christians today is that; they think righteousness begins and ends with God, that it has nothing to do with us beyond the fact that it is a gift from God, therefore we should just only be conscious of it and not do anything with it. NO!!! That is wrong.

           There is the works of righteousness (Acts 10:35). Righteousness is like a seed God puts in the life of a Christian, inside this seed are all the blessings but you must learn to grow your seed into a tree and produce the fruits thereof. I know you are thinking, why should I grow this seed? Remember the story of the fig tree? That tree represents a believer (Matthew 21:18-19). God expects every one of us to bear fruits unto righteousness but many believers like the fig tree are not bearing the fruits they are supposed to bear and Jesus cursed the tree.

         Your next question now is what are the fruits of righteousness? Remember in Ephesians 5:9 the Bible tells us that, “For the fruit of the spirit is in all goodness and righteousness and truth.” That means the fruit of righteousness is the fruit of the spirit. Now let us look at the fruits of the spirit in Galatians 5:22-23, “But the fruit of the spirit(Righteousness) is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, Faith, meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.” Did you observe something about Galatians 5:22? The Bible did not say “fruits” but “fruit” of the spirit “is” not “are”. Is, meaning one, so the fruit of righteousness (spirit) is Love.

             Now get this, this love is the love of God for man {that He gave His only Begotten Son (John 3:16), this is the gospel (Romans 1:11-17)}. Now this love of God can only be revealed as you keep looking at who Jesus is to you, what He did for you. As you focus on His love you will discover the following:

1. You will have joy unspeakable

2. You will have peace flowing like a river

3. You will become patient with others e.t.c.

          If you observe, it is the fruit of love that gives birth to the other fruits of the spirit. You can only love God in return and keep His commandments when you focus on His love (1st John 4:19). It is His love that changes us to the image of God from Glory to Glory by the spirit of the Lord (2nd Corinthians 3:18). Every day focus on His love through His word, through His spirit then all the other fruits of the spirit will begin to manifest in your life. If you notice, love is made visible through joy, peace, long suffering e.t.c.

         The thing about fruit is that the tree doesn’t eat its fruits; it’s for others to enjoy, no wonder the Bible tells us in Matthew 5:16 and Ephesians 2:10; that our purpose on earth is for good works in Christ Jesus. In Romans 5:7; the Bible tells us that you could be righteous and not make an impact in your world but when you manifest the fruit of righteousness which is revealed through goodness then you can impart your world for Christ.

         Finally, whether you manifest the fruit of righteousness or not, you are righteous but only those who manifest the works of righteousness will be a blessing and be blessed according to Matthew 6:33; Then will those things which unbelievers run after be added unto you.

           Bear fruits and change your world. God bless you, see you next month. 


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