The Rules of Engagement

Welcome to our year of uncommon glory. There are two laws that govern every life on earth, both laws do not work at the same time, one has to choose the one he or she wants to operate. Romans 8:2 tells us about these laws, “For the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death.”

The two laws are:

1. The law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus and

2. The law of sin and death.

At every point in our lives we are always walking based on one of both principles in our lives.

These two laws work independently of each other and they can be used to control every aspect of life. Each of them is governed by their unique set of rules and engagement and can only work when these rules are fulfilled. 

In the course of this article, I will be unveiling both laws using health aspect of life as a case study to describe how both work.

1. The law of sin and death: There are laws that govern the physical realm (earth and everything in it), these laws were not meant to destroy those living in the earth but to govern the earth, but when Adam sinned by disobeying God and obeying the devil man lost his authority over the earth. The devil being the god of this world perverted the world system through sin. Therefore James 1:15 tells us that, “Then when lust has conceived it brings forth sin and sin when it is finished brings forth death.” This rule of engagement always leads to death because the world system has been flawed by sin. Romans 8:6a tells us that, “For to be carnally minded is death.” To be carnal is to function based on the laws of sin and death which is to function in the natural.

Case Study: Let us see how this law operates in our health

The Bible never told us that we will never feel sick but told us how to stay healthy, this is because as long as we dwell in this earth, there must always be a time you feel discomfort which is called disease or sickness and the laws of sin and death states that you should see a doctor who then runs some test to determine what the problem is (remember this law is strictly based on the physical, what can be seen) and whatsoever the test result shows will inform the doctors on how to go about treatment. 

It sounds so straight forward right? But below are some of the limitation of this rule of engagement: 

a. Nothing is guaranteed. We have heard of cases where people were diagnosed with minor illness like headache, cold but they still died even though treatment was administered. 

b. The scope is limited: There are so many illnesses in the world that medical experts are still clueless about their cause not to talk about their cure.

c. The cost: A recent study found that medical bills are the root cause behind more than 60% of all personal bankruptcies in the United States each year. 

d. Death: People who engage this law in their health always die in the hospital, in the hands of their doctors.

e. Temporary solution: People who depend on doctors end up going back.

The list of disadvantages of this law in our health is endless; it shows the progress and success of people who would have otherwise gone far in life.

The sad thing is the many people who are saved (Christians) still engage this law in their health and suffer the same fate with the natural man. It is not a sin to engage this law in our health but the risks as stated above are too dire to ignore.

2. The Law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus: This law came after the second Adam who is Jesus came and died on the cross, was buried and resurrected for our justification. By doing this, as many as received Him according to John 1:12, “…gave he power to become the Sons of God, even to them that believe on his name.” The day man receives Christ, he received the life of the Son of God. God is Spirit and His life is the most superior life that could ever be.

This life is higher than that of the natural man. This life is found in the highest realm of the forth dimension while the life of natural man is a life found in the third dimension. Those who choose to engage this law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus always live a more superior life of faith.

Case Study: Let us see how it operates in our health. In 1st Peter 2:24, “Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness by whose stripes you were healed.” The above verse clearly explains that the issue of sin has been dealt with by Jesus. Now we can live unto righteousness (which is God’s way of doing things), then concerning health, it says by the suffering of Jesus we were healed.

As believers God’s way for us is for us to enjoy good health even when symptoms of sickness tend to show up in our bodies and this can be done by applying His Word into every part of our body where the symptoms seems to be coming from. The Word of God is medicine for our body. Psalm 107:20; He sent His Word, and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions.

There was a time in my life that I had this severe pain in the upper part of my left arm, it was there for a long period of time and refused to leave, then the Holy Spirit told me something, He said use any part of my word that talks about healing on the part of your body where you feel pain the same way people use drugs. Then I woke up, looked at the hand and then spoke that by the stripes of Jesus I were healed, I started seeing the word of God as medicine. Any time I remembered I would take my drugs which is 1st Peter 2:24, continuously. I didn’t bother whether there was pain or not, I just relied on the word to cause the healing just like people rely on drugs to make the change. After a few days, I discovered that a pain that has lasted over 2 months left under one week. 

The word of God has healed me several times that I know without a doubt that this law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus is far more superior to the law of sin and death. Choose the right rules you wish to engage life with and you will sing the victory song in Christ Jesus.

See you next month.


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