FOOD FOR TEENS: Purpose, Mission & Vision Part one

Every major cooperation or successful company in the world are driven by the following; purpose, mission, vision. Billion dollar businesses are founded on these three main concepts which means they must be very important to our success even as believers. These basic concepts should guide every entity on earth if they must enjoy maximum and long lasting success 

Every believer is created by God to fulfill a specific purpose on this earth. This purpose is always and ultimately to advance the kingdom of God. This purpose is directly tied to humanity, to demonstrate the power that is in the kingdom our service to humanity so that, those affected by our lives work will be won for Christ. This is the ultimate purpose of every believer on earth. 

Matthew 6:31-33, “Therefore take no thought saying, what shall we eat? Or what shall we drink? Or wherewithal shall we be clothed? (for all these things do the gentiles seek) for your heavenly father knoweth that ye have need of all these things. But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” If you want to succeed as a believer, don’t seek for the basic things that every man seeks after, those things shouldn’t drive you, what should drive you to succeed which will lead you to your core purpose in life is the kingdom of God. 

What is this kingdom of God we are talking about? This is the will of God for every man which was revealed through the death, burial and resurrection of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. Therefore, deep down in the core of our being, the purpose for our lives should be to be witnesses of Jesus Christ, i.e, show evidence to the whole world that there is no other name by which any man can be saved except for the name of Jesus Christ. 

This purpose is characterized by love through service. No man can ever find this true purpose for their lives if all they are interested in is ‘self’ and not others, this was exactly why Jesus told us in Matthew 19:23, “Verily I say unto you that a rich man shall hardly enter into the kingdom of heaven. And again I say unto you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.” No man who is really ready to serve comes around dressed in his best clothes and jewelries. Jesus had to put His glory aside when He came to earth to do the will of God. If you are conscious of serving and drawing sous into the kingdom through your service, then God starts revealing unto you specifically the problems He has brought you into this earth to solve. 

To get to this point you must first start from wherever you are, give yourself to God to serve in Church, serve at home, serve wherever you find yourself, this doesn’t mean to become an errand boy but to look for a way to be of help everywhere you find yourself, solve a problem that would make others give glory to God for your sake, this must be motivated by the love of God shared abroad in your heart. 

Continue next edition. God bless you


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