IT'S NOT WORTH IT: Snared With Your Words part one

Dearly beloved I welcome you into the glorious month of March. May you match victoriously all through this month in the name of Jesus. I will be sharing with you on what I titled “SNARED WITH YOUR WORDS” 

In proverbs 6:2, the bible says, “Thou art snared with the words of thy mouth, thou art taken with the words of thy mouth.” The bible has a lot to say about our words and what we say. People don’t seem to understand how important our words are and what they carry. Words are containers, they are filled with something, it all depends on what is coming out from your mouth. The bible says “Thou art snared….” The word snare means to be entangled, to be caught, it also means trap. This clearly shows that many are entangled, caught or trapped with the words of their mouth. The Bible didn't say God trapped them, but they are trapped, imprisoned by their own mouth. 

Believers today are victims too of this error. They have imprisoned themselves through the consistent wrong use of their words. The unbelievers are already trapped and enslaved by the devil, but inasmuch as that unbeliever decides to receive Christ as his Lord, he is saved, liberated and delivered according to Romans 10:9-10. The fact that believers are now saved through the precious sacrifice of Jesus, he or she can still be trapped by the devil, by him (the believer) granting access to the devil through his words. 

There was a friend of my dad, anytime he came to the house, he will always brag that been rugged is the only way to make it in life. That is, if you are not tough in the negative sense, you cannot make it. He also will often say, I want my children to be rugged, they must be tough. As a young boy, I remember him always repeating these words. Taking a look at his children then coming to our house and play together, they were cute, nice and innocent children. But that cannot be said about his children now. Now, they are who he fashioned them to be through his words and the devil went on assignment and brought it to past even as he has spoken. 

Revelation 12:10, tells us that Satan is the relentless accuser, accusing us day and night. Knowing this, can’t we simply ignore Satan’s accusations and go on with our lives? Not when we understand what a trap is actually designed to do. Matthew 22:15 says, “Then went the Pharisees and took a counsel how they might entangle him in his talk.” You see what indirectly the devil was waiting for? His words. These set of people were been used by Satan to actually cause Jesus to endorse with His words something they can entangle Him with, but glory to God, He was not ignorant of the devils devices. Hallelujah. Jesus was able to sidestep the booby traps that were set for Him because He knew what Satan would use to lure Him into a snare.  Satan couldn't lay a finger on Jesus without legal access by Him. What give Satan that access? Proverbs 18:21 says, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.’ IF Jesus were to speak death-filled words, He would give Satan the ability to bring those words to pass. That is why every words that Jesus spoke agreed with what God said in His word. 

The present state of your life right now is a product of the quantity and quality of your words over time. 

To be continued. See you next month. God bless you.


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