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Ephesians 4:30 tells us that God saved you the day of redemption, meaning that God saved you ones and then you are saved forever, but there are some who wants this verse to excuse their sinful lifestyle. They think they go to the alter and say a little prayer, and go out and live any how they want to and still go to heaven, well folks, if that’s how you are living, then you need to come and really get saved. Paul says in Romans 6:15 that Christians are under grace and no longer under the law. So, does that give you the freedom to sin at will? Paul said God forbid. Even though Christians are no longer in condemnation, we will still answer to him for the sin we commit. 

Christ our exampled lived a separated life. We claim to be Christ-like’ which is what ‘Christian’ means so we also should live a separated life. “For such an high priest became us, who is holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners, and made higher than the heavens;” Hebrews 7:26. When a Christian lives the way God commands, the ungodly will separate from him. Godly living convicts the ungodly, and rather than change their way of living, they often will alienate themselves from the source of their feeling guilty. So, many Christians that do not live a separated life never make any difference to those around them, as their lifestyle is not a godly example. “Blessed are ye, when men shall hate you, when they shall separate you from their company, and shall reproach you, and cast out your name as evil for the Son of man’s sake.” Luke 6:22. 

Many Christians fail in the area of separation. Most often they will not separate themselves from the things of the world, and separate themselves unto God. They want the comfort of knowing they will go to heaven, but their sincerity is lacking. They will not separate themselves from the places they should not be. They want to dress like and look like the world. The desire is to fit in like everyone else. 

Some Christians are playing a deadly game of ‘I can live like the world and still go to heaven.’ They want the best of both worlds and justify their worldly living by saying, “God knows that I am human and that I need to be happy and live a successful life while here on earth.’ They shamelessly watch all the television programs and go to all the latest movies, despite the subtle and not so subtle sexual references, scenes, messages and distasteful language. Keep in mind that most of the movies that fall into the movies category actually contains very questionable materials as well and are not suitable for a Christian audience. Use your conscience, use discretion, be cautious, keep it clean. There are plenty of old movies and television programs that are fit for Christian families to watch, why settle for anything less than clean, moral and decent? 

You can continue to walk with the world and call yourself a Christian and keep trying to convince yourself that ‘if so many other Christians are doing it, it must be right’ but that will not excuse your daily moral choices when the day comes that you stand before the great Judge, your creator, and have to give account of your life. Do not follow man. Follow only God. Do not be guided by the decisions of others but rather let God’s word, let the truth guide you. 

God bless you. See you next month


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