Everyone will agree with me that a gun is a more superior weapon compared to a knife, so if someone with a knife were to attack someone with a loaded gun you know how that story will end. Even so we as believers have the most superior power at work in us, which is the resurrection power which we have in Christ Jesus. Matthew 28:18 says, “And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.” There's no other power as potent and effective in heaven and on earth as this power. This is the power we possess in Christ Jesus, using this power of God over any situation is like taking a gun to a knife fight, the enemy does not stand a chance. If we say this is the power we have in Christ Jesus, how come many Christians are not working in victory as they ought to? Why does it seems like unbelievers get more result than we do?

Unbelievers do not have the kind of power the church has, in the context of our topic, the best of their power is like a knife in a gun battle but they have been more effective than believers for one reason and one reason only. They have faith and know how to use their knife, they know how to effectively use their powers, though inferior but effective, while believers are like an unloaded gun, a gun without a bullet, they have the power but can't use it effectively due to their unbelief which is why a lot of believers are going through tough situations consistently. It's not supposed to be so but they have gone into a knife fight with an unloaded gun and the unbelievers who is their counterpart has come in with a very sharp knife.

No wonder Jesus made a parable and commended the unjust steward in Luke 16:8, “And the Lord commended the unjust steward, because he had done wisely: for the children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light.” This guy was a common thief but the Bible records that the Lord commended him why? Because unbelievers know how to use their limited powers to it's utmost capacity. You will hear a Christian trader complaining about a fellow unbelieving trader succeeding due to diabolical means and you would wonder why they are not succeeding since they say they have the real power that is from above, you know why? Unbelief.

You will see an unbeliever do a charm on how to resist gunshots and the first place they want to test the charm is on their chest, not even on their legs, how many believers have you seen so bold to prove the effectiveness of the power of God in such a manner? We can't even imagine the thought of getting shot accidentally for the sake of Christ, talk-less of putting our lives on the line for the gospel, why? Unbelief. The unbeliever would take the life of a sinful man or woman and drink their blood, feed on their body and expect it to produce result in their businesses and all their endeavours, but believers who eat the precious body and drink the precious blood of Jesus weekly in the form of the communion expects no impartation in any area of their lives why? Unbelief. Christians will accuse unbelievers of burying sacrifices in front of their work places as the reason for their prosperity in their business, was Jesus not buried and resurrected for your prosperity? Why are you not getting better result? Unbelief.

When you look closely, you begin to see why most believers do not get maximum results as some unbelievers do. God promised the children of Israel victory when they went up in battle against the Maobites in the book of 2nd Kings 3 but the king of Moab sacrificed his first son, the heir to his throne to his dead god, and God had to let the war end without a Victor because that king did something in faith to his dead god that the children of Israel couldn't even dream of doing to Him the only living God.

The major reason why unbelievers get results in spite of their inferior and limited power is because they are scientific in their thinking, they know that for every actions that they carry out as they're instructed, there will be a corresponding reward from their dead god but believers don't have same mentality. Some Christians don't understand the potency of prayers and study, meditating and doing the word, they don't think that those actions will have direct impart in every aspect of their lives, therefore even though they have the Holy Ghost and the power of God in them, they do not stir it up in them. So, they go into their day void of the influence of the Spirit of God, therefore they are like a gun that is not loaded, while the unbeliever spends their morning chanting incantations describing what they want to see happen, plotting how to succeed through dubious means and go into the day prepared in their own limited way expecting direct result to be seen in their lives.

It is very important that I state that whatsoever the devil gives is bad, It is like giving someone an apple with thorns on it, the more you eat it the more you bleed until it kills that person but the blessing of the Lord it makes rich and he adds no sorrow, that is what scripture calls good and perfect gift. Why don't you take advantage of the power of God that is at work in you and become a proof of God's goodness for all men, don't be the believer who seem to have a form of godliness but denies the power of God. BE A LOADED GUN! God bless you and see you next month


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