Dear Teens, I welcome you to this new month in Jesus name. Do you know that there are two realms in this world? The Physical realm or the visible realm and the spiritual or invisible realm.

The invisible realm controls the visible.

The Bible tells us in Heb 11:3 “Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.“ You must understand that we have gone beyond the era of not believing in the unseen realm, if even in technology today we see that there are things in the natural that you can’t see yet control your everyday gadgets and life for example you don’t see signals but they help us communicate with people millions of miles away from us, we hold wireless phones yet we are able to connect with people all over the world yet it is not strange to us, why then do we fail to fully understand that the spirit realm though not seen, is even more real and it controls the visible realm.

There are so much opportunities in the realm of the spirit that we have not tapped into because we have not acknowledged it’s true existence, we claim we know it exists but most times we are just paying lip service because our actions doesn’t really show we believe. For instance we say we believe prayers changes things yet we refuse to spend quality time with God in prayers instead we focus more on the things in the physical to create the changes we desire, that is why we see a lot of people would work hard at the detriment of their spiritual walk because as far as they are concerned, the major way to create real changes is by trying to change physical outcomes but my brethren please note that physical outcomes are largely decided by spiritual processes, though it may seem like changes could be made from strictly exacting physical energy but the overall outcomes are always going be decided from the spiritual.

Even in government, a lot of times we assume that the policies and economic success or failures are based on visible decisions that we see but it always goes beyond that. No wonder we see in Daniel 10:13, “But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me one and twenty days: but, lo, Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me; and I remained there with the kings of Persia.” The Angel from heaven encountered a demon known as the prince of Persia even though in the realm of the physical there was a king of Persia, you would expect that these governments took decisions based on common sense but alas you may be surprised.

Dear teens, we can’t afford to live in this world on the natural(surface) level as though all things starts and ends here, let us learn to align ourselves with the kingdom of light where we are from. Little wonder that Jesus brought one message when He walked the earth and what was it? “The Kingdom of God is at hand”, Before Jesus’ death, burial, resurrection and ascension, we didn’t have access to this Kingdom of light, we were held captive and in bondage in the kingdom of darkness because Adam committed high treason and sold us out to the devil, so because of that we became subjects to Satan and sin, we were by default children of disobedience and were cursed people. That’s why it was normal then for us to live a defeated life, not having the power to really change the outcomes of our lives no matter how hard we tried. Every man was in pursuit of happiness but never actually living happily ever after. No matter how hard man worked, he could succeed in his finance but the devil will hold him down in his relationships or in his health or otherwise, no wonder Job wrote in Job 14:1 that, “Man that is born of a woman is of few days, and full of trouble”

After the finished work of Christ, we have been introduced into a new Kingdom, which is the Kingdom of light, the Kingdom of God’s dear son. Colossians 1:13, “Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son:” Now we must take advantage of the new kingdom where we belong, we must work from the Kingdom and get results from that realm. No wonder when Jesus taught us to pray, after He taught us to acknowledge and hallow the Father, the next thing was ‘thy kingdom come” we must operate from this realm to live a successful Christian life.

The primary faculty for engaging this kingdom is your mind, it is the gateway to the spirit, the realm you engage your mind in will determine which realm controls your life and determines the outcomes of your life. The Bible explicitly describes this new kingdom where we belong and the way to activate it in our lives is through continuous meditation or better still imagine the God’s Word written in scriptures as though it is your current reality, if the scripture says that by the stripes of Jesus you were healed, see your self in your imagination that you are healed, celebrate God everyday even if it seems sickness is ravaging your body, speak your healing as your current reality and paint that picture in your mind because remember the spirit determines the physical, choose to operate from the kingdom of light where you belong and that healing must show up. No wonder Romans 4:17 says “As it is written, I have made thee a father of many nations,) before him whom he believed, even God, who quickeneth the dead, and calleth those things which be not as though they were.” Learn to paint that picture of your victory, stay in that realm in your mind until your heart becomes filled with that consciousness that it begins to control your visible outcomes.

That is why proverbs 4 tells us to guard our hearts with all diligence for out of it are the issues of life. The things that happens in your heart will determine the realities you manifest in the physical. Decide for yourself today from what realm you want to operate from, either the kingdom of light or the the kingdom of darkness but note that you must chose one because when u walk in the physical realm automatically you are already walking in the realm of darkness, chose light so that you can live a victorious life in Christ Jesus. God bless you and see you next month.


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